by Leslie Farin
Lana played the role of the minister’s wife very well for three decades. Her husband was a beloved minister who served his congregation well, but had little, if any, energy left for family. He was emotionally unavailable and too tired to help with the house or the kids.To the outside world, Lana’s life was enviable, but it was a facade. She was lonely and depressed, especially after the children left home. The constant pressure to compromise who she was to keep everyone else happy exhausted her. It all became too much. Lana finally left him with a grand total of $200 in her pocket and no idea what the future might hold. She was, however, determined to start a new life, one where she felt comfortable to be her authentic self.
The divorce turned out to be devastating. The church frowned upon marital break-ups and Lana’s friends did not support her. Most of her children sided with her husband who they viewed as a victim. Lana lost her community and her family, but held her head high and continued to move forward. To protect her children, she did not verbalize her reasons for leaving, hoping they would eventually understand her decision.
Healing and next steps
It took a good number of years and a lot of hard work to heal, but Lana was strong. Hypnotherapy helped, so much so she became certified as a clinical hypnotherapist to help others. To support herself during this time, Lana started a small marketing business. In 2015, she met a women at a networking conference in Las Vegas who introduced herself as an agent for ghost writers. This chance meeting changed her life. Lana found she had a gift for capturing the voice of her clients. This new opportunity led to others, including inspirational speaking engagements around the world and a radio show.
What Now
Lana’s life experiences fueled a passion to help other 50+ women to live authentic, productive and happy lives. She helps heal others with her Gentle Flow Technique–a combination of brain science and energy healing. Lana’s positive energy is contagious, as is her unshakable belief that a woman’s second act can be the best years of her life.
On a personal note, Lana reconciled with her children and is living the life she always wanted. Life is good.
originally posted 11/10/2019
updated 6/20/2022
Leslie Farin is the Publisher and Founder of 50PlusToday. She is an experienced communications and marketing professional passionate about working with older adults and their families. She works with a team of writers to provide essential and cutting-edge information related to the 50Plus community.