What is the main reason for a woman to want to marry at age 50plus?
Is it for love? If so, she should be aware that love is often a transitory emotion, and make sure she’s going in a direction that’s longer lasting than any single moment.
Is it for sex? If that’s her reason, how many try-outs does she really need to find her personal satisfaction level?
Is it to have a father or grandfather figure for existing family members? Then she needs to check out the “fatherly” qualities he displays by watching him interact with children himself.
All the above, of course, must mesh with her other satisfactions: What does he require from her now that may not align with her ideas of the future? How does he look? How does he treat her? Etc. etc. etc.
The best reason to marry at age 50plus, based on experience
Well – I’ll now submit to you my belief that all of the above, and most others, pale in comparison to this One Main Reason every woman – and especially an older woman considering a second marriage — needs a permanent man in her life: to stand behind her every time she tries to fasten the clasps of the many different kinds on her many different necklaces!
The one main reason every woman – and especially an older woman considering a second marriage — needs a permanent man in her life: to stand behind her every time she tries to fasten the clasps of the many different kinds on her many different necklaces!
Yes, that’s it! We all know we can’t rely on our own fingers to figure this out when they’re out of sight behind us – and trying to fasten necklaces in front of ourselves and then turning them around presents its own problems. As a long-time widow after a long-time marriage, I offer myself as living proof that doing this fastening is one of a husband’s most important jobs. So I beg you who are in the “trying-out” stage now: Be sure you add a new requirement to your pre-marital wish list.
Which choice works best for you?
I’m speaking truth from my own personal experience. Check your jewelry box and either discard all necklaces you cannot easily fasten yourself, or choose your life partner with his fastening skill in mind. This need will remain with you for many years after all other needs are long gone. And be careful which of these two choices you decide upon… it needs to be the one you’re prepared to live with for many years.
About the author
A proud native of Pittsburgh, PA, Harriet P. Gross began her journalism career in 1955 at a local paper. She moved to Chicago 2 years later where she worked as a full-time journalist until moving to Dallas in 1980. Here,Harriet began freelancing. Her special projects included text for Dallas Section, National Council of Women’s history book, plus writing for a variety of publications.
Today, Harriet’s “In My Mind’s I” column runs weekly in the Texas Jewish Post. She has won writing awards from the Press Club of Dallas, American Jewish Press Association, National Federation of Press Women, Illinois Woman’s Press Association and Press Women of Texas, and has been listed in five Who’s Who publications. In her community, Harriet is a book reviewer, discussion leader, and program presenter for clubs, senior living facilities, and Jewish institutions.
Contact Harriet today to discuss her writing and book review services!