Spain consistently ranks highly worldwide for the health and longevity of its residents. What’s keeping them kicking so long?
The current
The current average life expectancy for Spain in 2024 is 84.1887 years of age. A 0.16% increase from 2023, when the average life expectancy was 84.0528 years, from birth to death. In the future, Spain’s average life expectancy is projected to increase to 93.2605 years of age, by the year 2100. A total increase of the average life expectancy for people living in Spain by 10.78% from today’s standard. This positive trend can be attributed to technological advancements, a better standard of living, and an icrease in healthcare availability.
Japan has had the longest life expectancy in the world for many years, but a new study says Spain will soon move to first place with an average life expectancy of 85.8 years. In contrast, the U.S. is expected to fall to 64th place by 2040 from its ranking of 43rd in 2016.
I recently had the opportunity to travel to Spain and set out to understand why this country is expected to earn the top ranking for longest life expectancy by 2040. I spent a lot of time people-watching and engaging locals in conversation about their impressive longevity stats. Here’s what I learned:
Health Care
Spain’s health care system, paid for by taxes, is ranked seventh best in the world by the World Health Organization. The system offers universal coverage as a constitutionally guaranteed right with no out-of-pocket expenses aside from prescription drugs. Those with whom I spoke said the system works very well and they do not mind paying taxes to cover the services.
Diet and Exercise
The Mediterranean diet has long been known to be a healthy one, high in olive oil, unrefined grains, fish, fruit, fiber, and antioxidants. Also, Spaniards tend to eat 6 meals per day in small portions. I saw very few overweight people in any of the cities we visited. When I inquired about exercise, I was told few people engage in formal programs or join health clubs, but most walk a lot in the course of their day. With good public transportation, scarce parking areas, and limited incomes, many do not own cars and frequently walk to reach their destination.
Cardiac Issues
Walking down the street, regardless of location, it was hard to miss the number of people who smoke cigarettes in Spain. Statistically, the percentage is more than 20%, down from 34% in 2000, but still high. So why do fewer people have cardiac issues in Spain when smoking is a significant risk factor? It must be that the positive health habits, such as a healthy diet and frequent walking, outweigh the negative. I also believe their stress level is lower than ours in the United States. The weather is temperate and usually sunny, which makes life easier, especially for people as they age. The afternoon siesta is a lovely tradition, and working reasonable hours with a midday break must surely contribute to a lower stress level. Overall, Spaniards have one of the lowest mortality rates for heart disease, behind Portugal, the Netherlands, South Korea, France, and Japan.
Suicide Rate
The suicide rate in Spain is much lower than in the United States. My guess is this low rate is due in large part to the sunshine, generally less stressful existence, and the tremendous medical care which includes treatment for mental health. Also, the stigma associated with suicide that we have in the U.S. does not seem to be common in Spain.
In the United States, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death with an average of 123 suicides per day. and the number is rising. Older adults are disproportionately likely to die by suicide. Did you know suicide imposes a cost of $51 billion to the U.S. annually? It’s in everyone’s best interest to work to change current attitudes about suicide and provide more and better services in the U.S. for mental health issues.
We can learn a lot from the Spaniards about staying healthy and living long lives. If you can’t live there, the next best thing is to visit! Observe their lifestyle habits and try to incorporate them into your routine. If you’ve been to Spain, let us know – we’d love to hear from you!
Leslie Farin is the Publisher and Founder of 50PlusToday. She is an experienced communications and marketing professional passionate about working with older adults and their families. She works with a team of writers to provide essential and cutting-edge information related to the 50Plus community.