Be Our Guest – 50PlusToday Online Senior Lifestyle Magazine

Contribute to 50plustoday

Work with us! To become a 50Plus Today Contributor, please review the criteria for guest authors below.

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We believe the 50Plus-Today person is a vibrant individual who wants to take advantage of all the world has to offer. This person looks for ways to facilitate an active lifestyle and promote a good quality of life. If this definition describes you, and you have a story to share and you like to write, please let us know! We all have a story – and others can benefit from your insights. 

About Contributors

We receive many queries to write for and greatly appreciate all the interest. To maintain the integrity of our publication, our contributors must speak directly to our 50Plus audience and their families. We enjoy working with individuals who share helpful information based on personal and/or professional experiences in the form of a story. In other words, describe a problem you’ve encountered personally or with a client and provide the solutions that worked. If you are a professional writer without first-hand knowledge of the challenges this age group encounters, please do not send us your pitch. 50Plus-Today strives to provide real solutions to real problems. Please see the writer guidelines/requirements below if interested in writing for us.

Benefits of Submitting Content

We include a headshot, bio and website/contact information with each article we accept for publication to highlight you and your business. With approximately 10,000 views/month and a Domain Authority (DA) of 53, is a well-established site with a great natural backlink profile. In addition, we widely share your content on social media to provide excellent exposure. Being published is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in the space and grow your business. We do not pay our guest writers.  In return for posting your content, we ask that you promote the link on your social media channels. Please note, we do not include backlinks to your website in the content of a guest post. 


We cover a wide range of topics pertinent to the 50Plus population and their families. If you have wisdom and/or a unique perspective to share related to health/wellness, lifestyle, fashion, travel, aging well, nutrition, self-improvement, retirement, or finance for this group, we are open to your ideas!

Writer Guidelines and Requirements

  • You are part of our target audience or work with the 50Plus community.
  • Articles provide valuable insight and information based on personal experience and presented in the form of a story. 
  • Write content in a casual tone in the first person with a word count between 1500-2000.
  • Content must be original and not posted anywhere else on the internet.
  • Article must not contain a sales pitch or contain self-promotional information other than in the bio.
  • Organize text so someone scanning the page quickly can take away an important fact or idea. Keep paragraphs short and use headings. Use bulleted points where appropriate.
  • Provide references if you include research or a quote
  • Photos must be shareable and free from copyright (we will provide images if not sent with your submission)
  • NOTE: retains the copyright for content submitted by guest authors published in Writers may promote the article on their own websites and social media channels using only the first paragraph accompanied by a link to the post on The article cannot be used in full anywhere but on this website.

 Infographic: 8 Essential Elements of a Great Guest Post to Drive Traffic 


PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to edit articles and titles as needed for brand consistency, SEO purposes, spelling/grammar and language. Once published, your article becomes the property of  Affiliate links, shopping pages, or links to low-authority sites will be removed if included in your submission. You may include citation links to valuable content on external websites or on (links are subject to approval from prior to publishing) Your website and contact information appears at the bottom of the article with your headshot and bio.

How and where to submit a guest post to 50PlusToday:

We look forward to hearing from you. The best place to start is to send us your pitch by clicking on the blue button below. Please send a couple of topic ideas and a short summary for each. Please also let us know who you are and if you are in the 50Plus age group and/or work with individuals in this age group. We do not respond to submissions that do not provide the requested information. Thank you.