Covid19 Vaccine North Texas UPDATE
Use the following links to make an appointment for your vaccine
For: Phase 1A, 1B, 1C, or eligible school or childcare personnel
Vaccine Signup Information: Collin | Dallas | Denton | Tarrant
Week 14 Vaccine Allocation (ALL OF TEXAS) – 03/14/21 (PDF)
Spring 2021 is the best estimate of when vaccine will be available for the general public, but that may change, depending on vaccine production and how quickly other vaccines become available.
For those without internet access:
Do you know someone who is eligible for a vaccine but doesn’t have internet access? Please let them know they can call 2‑1‑1 for referral to a local vaccine provider.
Side effects
Mild side effects are normal signs your body is building protection, and they usually go away after a few days. The chance of a severe reaction is less than 0.5%. To be safe, your provider will have you wait on-site for 15-30 minutes after your shot.
Common reactions after receiving the Moderna vaccine include injection site soreness, general fatigue and headache. These symptoms usually resolved within 2 to 3 days.
A delayed reaction that appears as a red, sometimes bumpy rash on the arms of people who received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was recently reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. This bumpy rash may be limited to the arm or extend onto the torso. The reaction generally occurs near the injection site 4 to 11 days after the first dose, and after the initial local and systemic symptoms associated with vaccination have resolved.
Exactly why this is occurring with the Moderna vaccine is uncertain and experts say it is certainly NOT a reason to avoid getting vaccinated, with the Moderna vaccine or any other COVID vaccine approved for emergency use, for that matter.
Several patients who experienced this rash were successfully treated with over-the-counter anti-histamines, topical and oral corticosteroids.
V-safe: Register with CDC’s V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker on your smartphone to report any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. You’ll also get reminders for your second vaccine dose.
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