Helpful Accessibility Resources

accessibility resources

By Leslie Farin

Below is a list of helpful resources for individuals with mobility disabilities and their caregivers.   Contact us with suggestions of organizations to add to the list!


Travel Related

Accessible Air Travel

Although air travel today is available to most people, barriers to access still exist. A passenger with a disability may encounter obstacles just to reach an airplane seat. Knowing what to expect from the time an airline reservation is booked to the moment the flight touches down takes the surprises out of traveling. Originally published on the United Spinal Association website.

Accessible Journeys:

Tour operator for slow walkers, wheelchair travelers and their companions.

Tips and resources for disabled cruise travelers

Info on cruising with a disability

Independent Traveler

The travel industry is waking up to disabled travelers’ special needs by providing more services and greater accommodation.Great resource for travel tips.

World on Wheelz:

Agency specializing in accessible getaways for wheelchair travelers, slow walkers and seniors with special needs

Check back as we update our list regularly.

ADA National Network

The ADA is the first comprehensive civil rights act for people with disabilities. This organization empowers people with disabilities by banning discrimination on the basis of their disability and by making it possible for them to participate more inclusively in their communities.

Disability Etiquette

A great resource from the United Spinal Association for businesses, schools, organizations, staff training and disability awareness programs. You don’t have to feel awkward when interacting with, or when you meet, a person who has a disability. This booklet provides tips for you to follow that will help create positive interactions and raise everyone’s comfort levels.

Invisible Disability Association

The Invisible Disabilities® Association is about believing. We believe you! The frequently invisible nature of illness and pain may lead to disbelief about that illness or pain by those surrounding the person who lives daily with invisible disabilities.

Open Doors Organization

Open Doors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Chicago, Illinois, strives to create a society in which all persons with disabilities have the same consumer opportunities as everyone else. They teach businesses how to succeed in the disability market, while simultaneously empowering the disability community.

Sexuality Following Spinal Cord Injury

Despite myths, people with spinal cord injury (SCI) can still enjoy sexual pleasure and connection. This booklet, written by Mitchell S. Tepper, Ph.D, MPH,  provides accurate information about sexuality and SCI.

Texas Ramp Project

This organization strives to build ramps for elderly or disabled persons in need. Their mission statement is “No resident of Texas should lack safe access for financial reasons”.

Tickets To Work Program

Ticket to Work is a free and voluntary program that can help Social Security beneficiaries go to work, get a good job that may lead to a career, and become financially independent, all while they keep their Medicare or Medicaid. Individuals who receive Social Security benefits because of a disability and are age 18 through 64 probably already qualify for the program.

Understanding the Fair Housing Amendments Act 

This booklet, published by the United Spinal Association, explains that the law is intended to increase housing opportunities for people with disabilities. However, individual citizens must come forward with concerns. As a result, it is important to understand this legislation and how to make it work for you.

originally published January 19, 2019
updated October 4, 2022


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